Kiddi Kollege’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
At Kiddi Kollege, we know how important a warm, safe, nurturing, and loving environment is to a child’s development.
Which is why we’re actively developing guidelines to help protect our children and provide full transparency to our parents.
As we continue to navigate COVID-19 and how we, as an early childhood center, respond to the pandemic, we want to keep our families informed and updated on our procedures and guidelines in place to keep our parents, students, and staff safe.
To help bring awareness to our COVID-19 preparedness plan, we have developed the following guidelines.
General Guidance
Kiddi Kollege closely and frequently follows updated Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Kansas Department for Health and Environment (KDHE), and JOCO Childcare Licensing guidelines for childcare programs.
Screening Upon Arrival
Temperatures are taken at the arrival in the morning and again in the afternoon for all children and staff. A temperature check is required for all visitors as well.
In addition, all outside visitors are subject to answer a series of screening questions and sign in and out of the building along with a signed screening form.
If any child shows symptoms of illness during the day, a designated staff member will perform a wellness check on the child and take their temperature.
If the child is ill or has a fever, the administration will be immediately notified, and the child will be taken to a comfortable isolation area to rest while the parents are contacted.
When the child’s parents arrive for pick-up, the same staff member will stay will the child and escort from the building with all necessary PPE.
Face Covering
To reduce the spread of COVID-19, CDC recommends people wear cloth face coverings in public settings when around people outside of their household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
We supply masks for all our families and guests and encourage masks are worn in and out of the building. Masks are also available in children’s sizes and are available at our front desk.
Also, we encourage our parents who are dropping off or picking up their children, or who might be in close quarters with staff, to wear a facemask.
Sanitation and Hygiene Practices
Along with a professional cleaning crew, our staff has taken on extra cleaning and sanitizing duties to ensure optimal cleanliness of our classrooms.
In addition to our frequent cleaning of classroom spaces and surfaces, we’re committed to helping teach children good hand-washing practices. As part of this practice, we’ve installed hygiene stations in our lobby to make it easily accessible for the children, staff, and families.
To reduce the opportunity for spread and exposure, we have temporarily banned toys and shared items brought from homes.
We have also eliminated communal and family-style meals. Our communal water fountains will remain closed for use, water will be available from pitchers and disposable cups.
Social Distancing Strategies
We’re proactively maintaining small group sizes while practicing social distancing in hallways and common areas.
To mitigate any possible exposure, we’re also keeping the same groups of children and staff together when possible to mitigate any possible spread.
Exposure Notification
If we become aware of a positive case in our building, we will immediately report it to the appropriate County Health Department and individually contact all parents of students who may be exposed and may ask the children to be quarantined before returning to our facilities.
We will also use BrightWheel to immediately notify all parents of the potential exposure.
Continuing Efforts
We are constantly learning more about COVID-19 and these procedures will be subject to change as more information is provided. Kiddi Kollege is committed to keeping our staff, children, and families safe and will continue to work with the KDHE and follow CDC guidelines.
If you have questions or concerns regarding these guidelines or would like to report a potential exposure, we encourage you to contact us with your questions and concerns.